Forage Grasses

The National Forage Variety Trials (NFVT) demonstrate how different ryegrass cultivars perform both regionally and nationally.

The first trials were set up and started by the PBRA in 1991 and today, there might be up to 40 active trials across New Zealand at any one time. 

A comprehensive, world-leading trial protocol document details how the NFVT trials should be run and how the resulting data used to create national and regional summaries.  To run this number of trials, the PBRA contracts independent trial operators along with some member company-run trials.

All trials are subject to rigorous inspections and audits to ensure the protocol is being adhered to at all times.  

The NFVT is administered by the Forage Technical Committee (FTC) made up of two representatives from each PBRA company.  

NFVT trials use replicated plot trials to establish the dry matter production of cultivars. All plots are subject to the same management regimes.  Dry matter is measured and the plots are either grazed by animals or have the herbage mechanically removed.  Data collected from all trials is analysed by a biometrician to produce the NFVT Summaries which are published annually.  Trial sites are located throughout the country, from Northland to Southland. These include irrigated and dryland sites and grazed (sheep and dairy) and non-grazed trials.

As well as collecting cultivar yield information, the NFVT also collects persistence and nutritive value data.    

Perennial Ryegrass

Within the NFVT system, perennial ryegrass trials are run for three years, with research showing little difference in the relative yields of the cultivars beyond this point.  

Download the latest trial results – 2024-2025

Hybrid Ryegrass

Hybrid ryegrasses produce similar total yield, or higher, than perennial ryegrass, but exhibit higher cool season production.  Within the NFVT system, hybrid ryegrass trials are run for three years.

Download the latest trial results – 2024-2025

Italian Ryegrass

Italian ryegrasses are tested for 18 months within the NFVT system, from sowing in autumn until the following early spring.

Download the latest trial results – 2024-2025

Annual Ryegrass

Annual ryegrasses, valued for their quick establishment and high winter and early spring growth, are measured within the NFVT system from sowing in autumn until the end of the following summer.  

Download the latest trial results – 2024-2025